Central Jersey Technical Assistants Association
At CJTAA, we strive to bring uniformity and professionalism to technical assistants in Central New Jersey. With our comprehensive education and training, we aim to equip our members with the latest knowledge and techniques to excel in their field. We believe in fostering a community of support and encouragement, where our members can network, share ideas, and continue to grow both personally and professionally.
We Need Your Help!
Our organization is solely dependent on its members stepping up and helping out by filling vacancies listed below and contributing in any way they can.
Executive Board
Vice President
Susan Sullivan
Alicia Herold
Glenn McMahon
Kathy Newcomb
Good and Welfare
2024 Meeting Schedule
Date: February 27th
Speaker: Dan O'Gorman Plumbing Code Official
Topic: Highlights of the new professional board to regulate home improvement and home elevation contractors and required licenses for each type of contractor.
Location: TBD
Date: March 26th
Speaker: Randy Bannerman building Code Official
Topic: "Do not jump to conclusions" We cannot assume what the public is talking about, completely understand the question by asking more questions before an answer is given. We will discuss some different scenarios.
Location: TBD
Date: May 28th
Speaker: Noah Humberston from Edge Wood Association.
Topic: Frame of Success
Location: TBD
Date: June 25th
Speaker: Brenda Sirkis Technical Assistant
Topic: Discussion on the current Code Communicators
Location: TBD
Date: September 24th
Speaker: Kathy Newcomb Technical Assistant
Topic: Prior Approvals and the requirements
Location: TBD
Date: October 22nd
Speaker: Department of Community Affairs
Topic: Electronic Plan Review
Location: TBD